Thursday 21 November 2013

Aleksander Rodchenko- Constructivism 2013. Aleksander Rodchenko. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

Aleksander Rodchenko was born in 1891 in Russia. He was a profound artist and designer and used many mediums which included painting, photography, sculpture, advertising and packaging. His work was influenced by the Russian Revolution of 1917. He was one of the most constructive artists of that period. He became a member of the Productivists whose ideal was to introduce art into everyday life. This ideal still is used by modern day graphic designers. Originally he focused on painting, but then experimented with photography and photo-montage and started his career as a graphic designer. His work produced advertisements, posters, logos and even book covers. Rodchenko's work influenced many designers of the 20th century.

Design is History. no date. Aleksander Rodchenko. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

photo-montage designed in 1924 for a Moscow publisher by Rodchenko

Rodchenko used Lilya for many of his photo-montages. She was a very powerful personality who inspired people at the time. The most famous photo-montage that he created of her is above. This poster shows Lilya with her hand to a wide open mouth shouting ''Books!''. This was produced in 1924 for Moscow Publisher. This image has proved to be the most imitated image of that era, in modern age it has been used and adapted by the band Franz Ferdinand for their second album cover.

This album cover has many similarities to the poster before. Apart from the obvious image of the woman, they have used the simple design in imagery which was typical of the Constructivism period. The main colours and geometry of the design are also typical of those used before. The typeface used is sans serif, where by Rodchenko's photo-montage used serif which was also primarily used by Constructivists. This design was produced by Matthew Cooper.

—Graphic Design – The Sequel. 2013. Constructivist Influence in the 21st Century. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

The Telegraph. 2008. Lilya Brik: a very Soviet siren. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

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