Saturday 19 October 2013

Charles Rennie Mackintosh- Arts and Crafts Movement

Charles Rennie Mackintosh

In many of his public lectures on architecture, Charles Rennie Mackintosh had stated his wish that architects and designers would be free to show their artistic and independent creations. He was already experimenting himself with different forms of decorations and furniture including metal work and graphic art. In one building that he designed, The Glasgow Herald Building, he built-in the latest form of technology which included a hydro-pneumatic and fire-resistant concrete floors.
His masterpiece was to be a new design for the Glasgow school of Art. All the interior was dramatically changed, especially the library where he was influenced by Japanese domestic interiors.

Glasgow Mackintosh. no date. Charles Rennie Mackintosh. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

Hillhouse Chair by Charles Rennie Mackintosh

bonluxat. no date. Charles Rennie Mackintosh Hillhouse Chair. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

Mackintosh designed this chair in the early 1900s. While other chairs of the time were highly decorative, this chair is very simplistic. The modern, simple design still has decorative lattice work on the back. This chair was never mass produced, it was made and designed specifically for the Hillhouse in Scotland designed by Mackintosh himself.

technology student. 2012. THE FURNITURE OF CHARLES RENNIE MACKINTOSH PRODUCT ANALYSIS - 2. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

Hip Flask inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Designs

Charles Rennie Mackintosh's designs remain an inspiration till this day. This pewter hip flask's design is inspired by the Hilltop chair of Mackintosh himself. The straight lines and lattice design is typical of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Arts and Crafts movement. 2014. 6oz Charles Rennie Mackintosh Hip Flask. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

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