Friday 18 October 2013

Design's definition...

Design is found wherever you look, anywhere and everywhere, sometimes it’s just too difficult to identify. Design is found from the initial sketchbook ideas to the final product , it's what keeps you warm in winter and cold in summer.

Design helps make sure our lives are easier as they are getting faster. The word 'design' does not have one definition to it, it depends on how you look at it.
I relate to designer Richard Seymour's opinion,  when he states that design is 'making things better for people'. His opinion reflects that design is all about keeping the consumers satisfied and they should always be kept first in the designers eyes.  However design does not specifically include 3D and product design only. Design covers the crucial work of graphic designers, service designers and much more areas.

Finding your own definition of design will help you understand the importance it contains and might also help you find your own unique view of the term.

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