Sunday 26 January 2014

Essay- George Nelson and Ray and Charles Eames

George Nelson-Modernism

George Nelson was an architect, author, an all round designer (furniture, graphic, exhibition) and photographer, to name a few of his many talents. George Nelson changed American design constantly over 40 years. He is well known as the designer of the Coconut Chair, Marshmallow Sofa and the Ball Clock. He was an expert on Modernism and a great defender of Modernist principles. During Nelson's working period, he developed modern office furniture, which is still beautiful, functional and popular till this day. Nelson had a sense of fun and colour which is reflected in many of his designs, his most notorious being the Marshmallow Sofa.

The Marshmallow Sofa

The Marshmallow Sofa was produced in 1956 at a time when, after the second world war, the world was branching into a new modern era. Society in America at the time was turning into a motorised society. Recovering from after the second world war, society was scrapping the old and looking for the new and modern equivalent. The public had more leisure and material comforts so the design of the Marshmallow sofa fitted in perfectly with what the new modern, American society was looking for.  Even though the cost of manufacturing the sofa was higher than expected and sales were below expectations, it still achieved the status of being a modern classic.

Nelson completely changed the way many designers approach their work as he believed that one should design an object, not by looking at the importance, but the way in which it has been emotionally explored and expressed.

Charles and Ray Eames- Organic Design

Charles and Ray Eames also left their mark as being in the list of America's most important designers. They have produced designs in architecture, furniture, industrial and photographic. They were part of the International style during the Organic Design period.

Their first commission was during the second world war when the navy had asked them to design a splint for wounded soldiers. This is where they worked on the technique of molding and bending plywood to create a one piece wooden design. This early technique was refined over the next ten years to allow the Eameses to create wooden molded pieces.

Society at the time had an open market for quality mass produced office furniture. The Eamses were capable of producing a single piece chair that would fit the natural contour of the body and could be mass produced. This chair (The Eames chair) was later developed in the 50s as the Eames Lounge chair. It was one of the most comfortable chairs for the office and is still produced till this day.

The Eames Chair

When producing the Eames Lounge chair, they tried to keep as much as the hand-craftmanship as possible, but still be able to mass produce it and all throughout their era,they came closer than anybody else to producing that.

The Eames Lounge Chair


Blogger. 2009. The Modern Designs of George Nelson!. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

bonluxat. no date. George Nelson Marshmallow Sofa. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

georgenelsonfoundation. 2012. The Foundation's Mission. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

justcreative. 2012. 4 Lessons to Learn from Charles and Ray Eames. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

Eames. no date. The Eames Chair. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

WANKEN. 2010. APPROACHING DESIGN: EAMES LOUNGE CHAIR. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

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