Wednesday 15 January 2014


Postmodernism appeared in the late 20th century. It affected the arts and architecture, and even influenced literature and philosophical thinking. It took a main role in the so called ''plastic arts''. In architecture it was a response to the blandness of the Modern movement. It focused on the harmony of form and function and used all methods, materials and colours. Architectural designs used the more modern building materials and were decorated to create unique effects. Postmodernism is a rejection of Modernism, even the new young graphic designers that are appearing are questioning the ''form follows function'' philosophy.

BelleAire by Peter Shire

Peter Shire. no date. BelleAire Seating. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

In the 1980s post-modern architects began creating home accessories for well known international companies, they took part in international exhibitions and displayed their eccentric creations to the public as well as professionals. This creativeness reached its climax in the late 1980s, being immediately followed by the 1990s recession. Designs then took on a more subtle profile and were more focused on production costs and product costs. Since then Industrial design has been split in two: one produces artistic creations of a star designer and the other produces creations that rely on teamwork to create the final product.

The first is generally used in architecture, although designers like Philippe Starck, in the early 21st century has still managed to remain a star designer in product design. He is an exception because his design for dramatic interiors, as well as his consumer products have a wide appeal to the public as well as professionals.

Faena, El Porteno Hotel, Buenos Aires, 2006 by Philippe Starck

s+arck. no date. Architecture. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

The second has more of a tendency to the designer being a part of a larger team. One of the first firms to use this approach was 'Frog Design'. They initially began in 1969, following the idea that ''form follows emotion'', contrary to the modernist ''form follows function''. They have followed through creating designs for huge companies such as Sony, Apple and more recently Lufthansa and Microsoft.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2013. industrial design. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 14].

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