Thursday 16 January 2014

Visual Chart outcome

The image above shows the final outcome of the visual chart I created. The 5 columns represent the 5 different movements; Art Nouveau, Art Deco, De Stijl, Bauhaus and Pop Art. The rows show different characteristics of the movements.

The row exactly below the eras shows a timeline of how the movements were created before, between and after the wars. The next row explains where the movement originated and spread. The third row shows visual examples of how each style changed and differed from one another. In the next row I wanted to explain how the value in cost of products decreased while the eras progressed.

The 5th row shows the 5 designers chosen from the 5 different movements; Joseph Olbrich, Frank Lloyd Wright, Gerrit Rietveld, Marcel Breuer and Verner Panton. Right below them are their chair designs; An Oak Armchair, 601 Robie 1, Red and Blue Chair, Wassily Chair and the Panton Chair.

The next row explains the different logics each designer had when designing their products and the one after that shows the achievements each designer was awarded. Lastly, I tried to explain the reason for the change of movement as visually as possible. Also, scattered all round the chart are 5 different personal observations I have made which are shown below the flaps I created.

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