Wednesday 15 January 2014

Futuristic Design

Futuristic products inspire the imagination; it’s as if we extend the design to its surroundings and then wonder what else we can possibly do. This collection of designs below is the next generation of amazing gadgets. From the folding screen Nintendo DS to 3D desktop monitors, these designs let the imagination go wild.

Mobile Music Concept

This incredible design is for a “wrist iPod” which you wear around your wrist, you can choose from a downloaded playlist or even live Internet radio. You can even wear it as a watch. The idea is to also be able to customise the screen with photographs or graphics as seen in the image above. The screen can be folded down, so as to enable it to fit inside your pocket and the headphones give you a completely stereo concert hall sound. Another feature is the music search while you sing or hum a song and finally it even sets the music to your heartbeat.

3D Desktop

When the desk top is not in use, the white frame acts as a desk lamp. When you need a 3D or hologram monitor, all you do is pull down the black hologram screen. Tiny projectors are installed that produce the3D hologram. The browser window can be pinched and dragged to resize it.

Universal Remote

This universal remote control concept would use touch-screen technology for operation; this same company also has some interesting concepts for 3D touch-screens for air conditioner programmers and light switches.


I’m not sure how this concept for a floating video camera could be approved in light of privacy laws. The idea is for this sealed video camera to “float” around recording life on earth, for the sole purpose of future generations viewing in 100 years to study.

All.Round SLR

This new design is for a much more portable, lightweight SLR camera, as current SLR cameras are very bulky and heavy. Even taking angled photos is difficult, let alone handling the camera when changing lens. So, the best part of this design is that you can bend it in any direction for easier shooting. Its lens can be angled in many ways and it is expandable and collapsible, thus allowing even 360˚ shots.

designer daily. 2012. 30 awesome futuristic product concepts. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 January 14].

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